Source code for emlearn.evaluate.trees

Tree evaluation metrics
Convert a Python model into C code

from ..convert import convert as convert_model

import numpy

[docs]def get_tree_estimators(estimator): """ Get the DecisionTree instances from ensembles or single-tree models """ if hasattr(estimator, 'estimators_'): trees = [ e for e in estimator.estimators_] else: trees = [ estimator ] return trees
[docs]def model_size_nodes(model, a=None, b=None): """ Size of model, in number of decision nodes """ em = convert_model(model) nodes, roots, leaves = em.forest_ return len(nodes)
[docs]def model_size_bytes(model, a=None, b=None, node_size=None): """ Size of model, in bytes """ # EmlTreesNode consists of feature index, a threshold value, left-right child indices if node_size is None: node_size = 1+4+2+2 nodes = model_size_nodes(model) bytes = nodes * node_size return bytes
[docs]def tree_depth_average(model, a=None, b=None): """ Average depth of model """ trees = get_tree_estimators(model) depths = [ e.tree_.max_depth for e in trees ] return numpy.mean(depths)
[docs]def tree_depth_difference(model, a=None, b=None): """Measures how much variation there is in tree depths""" trees = get_tree_estimators(model) depths = [ e.tree_.max_depth for e in trees ] return numpy.max(depths) - numpy.min(depths)
[docs]def count_trees(model, a=None, b=None): """ Number of trees in model """ trees = get_tree_estimators(model) return len(trees)
[docs]def compute_cost_estimate(model, X, b=None): """ Make an estimate of the compute cost, using the following assumptions: - The dataset X is representative of the typical dataset - Cost is proportional to the number of decision node evaluation in a tree - The cost is added across all trees in the ensemble Under this model, the actual compute time can be computed as the estimate times a constant C, representing the time a single evaluation of a decision node takes. """ trees = get_tree_estimators(model) X = numpy.array(X) total = 0.0 for e in trees: path = e.decision_path(X) t = numpy.sum(path, axis=1) total += numpy.mean(t) return total