Fast Fourier Transform (C API)

typedef struct _EmlFFT EmlFFT

FFT algorithm state

EmlError eml_fft_fill(EmlFFT table, size_t n)

Precompute coefficients and fill table

  • table – EmlFFT instance

  • n – Length of the FFT operation


EmlOk on success, or error on failure

EmlError eml_fft_forward(EmlFFT table, float real[], float imag[], size_t n)

Compute the FFT.

The computation is done in-place, with output being available in the input buffers.

  • table – EmlFFT instance

  • real – Real part of input/output values

  • imag – Imaginary part of input/output values

  • n – Length of the buffers


EmlOk on success, or error on failure