Source code for emlearn.evaluate.size

Tools for getting the usage of program space (FLASH) and memory (SRAM).

import os
import re
import tempfile
import subprocess
import shutil
from typing import Dict
from pathlib import Path

from emlearn import common

platforms_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../platforms') 

# Compiler options for particular ARM Cortex families of CPUs
# Ref
    'Cortex-M0': '-mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m0',
    'Cortex-M0+': '-mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m0plus',
    'Cortex-M3': '-mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m3',
    'Cortex-M4F': '-mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard',

def check_programs(programs):
    needed = set(programs)
    have = set([ p for p in needed if shutil.which(p) ])
    missing = needed - have
    if missing == set():
        return None

    return f"Missing programs: {', '.join(missing)}"

[docs]def parse_binutils_size_a_output(stdout : str) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Parse the output of GNU binutils program size, with the option -A Outputs are in bytes """ # NOTE: the -C format is a bit more directly what we want, # but it is not supported on for example arm-none-eabi-size # Do some sanity checks on the output lines = stdout.split('\n') file_line = lines[0] header_line = lines[1] assert '.elf' in file_line, file_line assert 'section' in header_line, header_line assert 'size' in header_line, header_line # extract section names and sizes number_field_regex = r"([\w.]+)\s+(\d+)" matches = re.finditer(number_field_regex, stdout, re.MULTILINE) out = {} for m in matches: field, value = m.groups() out[field.lower()] = int(value) # It can happen that there is no RAM/stack usage mandatory_sections = [ '.rodata', '.data', '.bss' ] for section in mandatory_sections: if not section in out: out[section] = 0 assert '.text' in out.keys(), out.keys() assert '.data' in out.keys(), out.keys() return out
[docs]def run_binutils_size(elf_file : Path, binary : str) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Get the size of the "program" and "data" sections, using the "size" command-line tool from GNU binutils """ # ensure there are no translations etc env = dict(os.environ) env['LC_ALL'] = 'C' args = [ binary, '-A', elf_file ] out = subprocess.check_output(args, env=env) parsed = parse_binutils_size_a_output(out.decode('utf-8')) converted = { 'flash': parsed['.text'] + parsed['.data'] + parsed['.rodata'], 'ram': parsed['.data'] + parsed['.bss'], } return converted
def build_avr8_code(code, work_dir : Path, mcu : str = 'atmega2560', makefile : Path = None, extra_cflags : str = '', make : str ='make'): if makefile is None: makefile = os.path.join(platforms_dir, 'avr/Makefile') assert os.path.exists(makefile), f"Makefile not found: {makefile}" code_basename = 'prog' code_path = os.path.join(work_dir, f'{code_basename}.c') with open(code_path, 'w') as c: c.write(code) args = [ make, '-f', makefile, f'OBJS={code_basename}.o', f'MCU={mcu}', f'BIN=out', f'EXTRA_CFLAGS={extra_cflags}', ] output = subprocess.check_output(args, cwd=work_dir) elf_path = os.path.join(work_dir, 'out.elf') assert os.path.exists(elf_path), os.listdir(work_dir) return elf_path def build_arm_cortex_code(code, work_dir : Path, mcu : str = 'Cortex-M0', makefile : Path = None, extra_cflags : str = '', make : str ='make'): if makefile is None: makefile = os.path.join(platforms_dir, 'arm-cortex/Makefile') assert os.path.exists(makefile), f"Makefile not found: {makefile}" code_basename = 'prog' code_path = os.path.join(work_dir, f'{code_basename}.c') with open(code_path, 'w') as c: c.write(code) supported_mcus = set(ARM_CORTEX_CFLAGS.keys()) if mcu not in supported_mcus: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported ARM CPU type: '{mcu}'. Options: {','.join(supported_mcus)}") arm_cflags = ARM_CORTEX_CFLAGS[mcu] args = [ make, '-f', makefile, f'OBJS={code_basename}.o', f'BIN=out', f'ARM_CORTEX_CFLAGS={arm_cflags}', f'EXTRA_CFLAGS={extra_cflags}', ] output = subprocess.check_output(args, cwd=work_dir) elf_path = os.path.join(work_dir, 'out.elf') assert os.path.exists(elf_path), os.listdir(work_dir) return elf_path # TODO: support also ESP32 Xtensa # FIXME: also support "host" PLATFORM_BUILDERS = { 'avr': build_avr8_code, 'arm': build_arm_cortex_code, } PLATFORM_SIZE_COMMAND = { 'avr': 'avr-size', 'arm': 'arm-none-eabi-size', } PLATFORM_COMPILER_COMMAND = { 'avr': 'avr-gcc', 'arm': 'arm-none-eabi-gcc', } def assert_valid_platform(platform : str): supported_platforms = set(PLATFORM_BUILDERS.keys()) if platform not in supported_platforms: raise ValueError("Unsupported build platform '{platform}'. Supported: {','.join(supported_platforms)}")
[docs]def get_program_size(code : str, platform : str, mcu : str, include_dirs=None) -> (int, int): """ Determine program size when program is compiled for a particular platform Returns the FLASH and RAM sizes """ assert_valid_platform(platform) build_function = PLATFORM_BUILDERS[platform] size_bin = PLATFORM_SIZE_COMMAND[platform] emlearn_include_dir = common.get_include_dir() if include_dirs is None: # default include_dirs = [ emlearn_include_dir ] cflags = ' '.join([ f"-I{d}" for d in include_dirs ]) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # build program try: elf_path = build_function(code, mcu=mcu, work_dir=temp_dir, extra_cflags=cflags) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print('STDOUT', e.stdout) raise e sizes = run_binutils_size(elf_path, binary=size_bin) return sizes
[docs]def check_build_tools(platform : str): """ Check whether the build tools for specified platform is available Returns the set of tools that are missing (if any) """ assert_valid_platform(platform) common = [ 'make', ] compiler = PLATFORM_COMPILER_COMMAND[platform] size = PLATFORM_SIZE_COMMAND[platform] needed = common + [ compiler, size ] missing = check_programs(needed) return missing