Source code for emlearn.common


import os
import sys
import subprocess
import platform
from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler

import numpy

def check_array(arr):
    # import dynamically to not need this at package build time
    from sklearn.utils import check_array as check
    return check(arr)

[docs]def get_include_dir() -> str: """ Get the include directory with C headers for emlearn """ return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__))
def build_classifier(cmodel, name, temp_dir, include_dir, func=None, test_function=None, n_classes=None): if not os.path.exists(temp_dir): os.makedirs(temp_dir) if test_function is None: test_function = 'eml_test_read_csv' # create a new compiler object # force re-compilation even if object files exist (required) cc = new_compiler(force=1) tree_name = name def_file_name = name+'.h' def_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, def_file_name) code_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, name+'.c') output_filename = cc.executable_filename(name) bin_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, output_filename) include_dirs = [temp_dir, include_dir] if sys.platform.startswith('win'): # Windows libraries = [] cc_args = [] else : # MacOS and Linux should be the same libraries = ["m"] # math library / libm cc_args = ["-std=c99"] # be strict about compile warning cc_args += [ '-Wall', '-Werror', '-Wno-error=unused-variable' ] if n_classes is not None: code = """ #include "{def_file_name}" #include <eml_test.h> #define N_CLASSES {n_classes} float outputs[N_CLASSES]; static void classify_proba(const float *values, int length, int row) {{ const EmlError err = {func}; for (int class_no=0; class_no<N_CLASSES; class_no++) {{ const float prob = outputs[class_no]; printf("%d,%d,%f\\n", row, class_no, prob); }} }} int main() {{ {test_function}(stdin, classify_proba); }} """.format(**locals()) else: # Trivial program that reads values on stdin, and returns classifications on stdout code = """ #include "{def_file_name}" #include <eml_test.h> static void classify(const float *values, int length, int row) {{ printf("%d,%f\\n", row, (float){func}); }} int main() {{ {test_function}(stdin, classify); }} """.format(**locals()) with open(def_file, 'w') as f: f.write(cmodel) with open(code_file, 'w') as f: f.write(code) objects = cc.compile(sources=[code_file], extra_preargs=cc_args, include_dirs=include_dirs)"executable", objects, output_filename=output_filename, output_dir=temp_dir, libraries=libraries) return bin_path def run_classifier(bin_path, data, out_dtype='int', float_precision=8): # Serialize input data as CSV def serialize_value(v): return '{:.{prec}f}'.format(v, prec=float_precision) lines = [] for row in data: lines.append(",".join(serialize_value(v) for v in row)) stdin = '\n'.join(lines) assert len(lines) == len(data), (len(lines), data.shape) # Run as subprocess args = [ bin_path ] out = subprocess.check_output(args, input=stdin, encoding='utf8', universal_newlines=True) # Parse output outputs = [] lines = out.split('\n') for line in lines: if line: tokens = line.split(',') row = tokens[0] if len(tokens) == 2: out_ = tokens[1] else: out_ = tokens if out_dtype == 'int': out_ = int(float(out_)) elif out_dtype == 'float': out_ = float(out_) else: out_ = out_dtype(out_) outputs.append(out_) return outputs class CompiledClassifier(): def __init__(self, cmodel, name, call=None, include_dir=None, temp_dir='tmp', test_function=None, out_dtype='int', proba_call=None, n_classes=None): if include_dir == None: include_dir = get_include_dir() self.bin_path = build_classifier(cmodel, name, include_dir=include_dir, temp_dir=temp_dir, func=call, test_function=test_function) self.proba_bin_path = None if proba_call is not None: self.proba_bin_path = build_classifier(cmodel, name+'_proba', include_dir=include_dir, temp_dir=temp_dir, func=proba_call, n_classes=n_classes, test_function=test_function) self._out_dtype = out_dtype self.n_classes = n_classes def predict(self, X): X = check_array(X) out = run_classifier(self.bin_path, X, out_dtype=self._out_dtype) assert len(out) == len(X), out return out def predict_proba(self, X): X = check_array(X) if self.proba_bin_path is None: raise ValueError('predict_proba() not supported') def convert_out(raw): row, cls, prob = raw return int(row), int(cls), float(prob) result = run_classifier(self.proba_bin_path, X, out_dtype=convert_out) out = numpy.empty(shape=(len(X), self.n_classes)) for i, (row, cls, prob) in enumerate(result): out[row][cls] = prob assert len(out) == len(X), out return out def regress(self, X): X = check_array(X) return self.predict(X)
[docs]def compile_executable(code_file : str, out_dir : str, name : str ='main', include_dirs=[]): """ Compile C code on the host. Useful to integrate small C executables in a Python-based script or notebook. Uses distutil.ccompiler, same as what is used to build Python modules. Should work portably on all platforms. :param code_file: Path to file with C code to compile :param out_dir: Path to directory where output executable will be located :param name: Base name of the executable :param include_dirs: Include directories for C headers :return: Path to executable """ cc = new_compiler(force=1) output_filename = cc.executable_filename(name) bin_path = os.path.join(out_dir, output_filename) #include_dirs = [out_dir, include_dir] if sys.platform.startswith('win'): # Windows libraries = None cc_args = None else: # MacOS and Linux should be the same libraries = ["m"] # math library / libm cc_args = ["-std=c99"] objects = cc.compile( sources=[code_file], extra_preargs=cc_args, include_dirs=include_dirs )"executable", objects, output_filename=output_filename, output_dir=out_dir, libraries=libraries, ) return bin_path